Saturday, December 15, 2012

American tragedies

Jeremiah 17:9-11
    The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? [10] I the Lord search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings. [11] As the partridge sitteth on eggs, and hatcheth them not; so he that getteth riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his end shall be a fool.

To say what I need to say is going to sound selfish and cruel at this time of crisis in Connecticut, but I will need to make two points concerning what is happening at an accelerated rate in America.  There has been more mass murders and murder/suicides in this country than ever before.  One person noted that many of these occurrences are in places where guns are not allowed, and now we had a shooting where twenty young lives are now gone from this earth.  Sadly, all public schools and almost all colleges now have ousted God from all its premises. 
Now we ask God why He allows this to happen.  One thought is this: 
Hypothetically, if my wife kicked me out of the house and an intruder came in, as the husband, I cannot protect her and my famly.  Would it be right for her to blame me for what happened?  More importantly, I cannot be there when she needed me the most.  We have treated God in the same way. 
The real question should be why does man do this, to take life, then take their own.  Mankind has started with Cain killing his brother, and we have not stopped since.  As God said to Cain, sin is at the door, yet, Cain did not stop its presence and the evidence happened later with his attitude when God asked him where Abel was, "Am I my brother's keeper?"  Sorry to say it this way, he knew damn well what happened and dutifully lied to God. 
Simply, God will not be where He is not wanted.  People did not fight to keep God in the schools, preferring to boast of the "success" that God had brought to America.  Prayer was removed, all sources of God could no longer be brought within the walls of these schools.  The heart, without God, is selfish and deceitful and cannot be trusted in any way.  As a society, we are endorsing evil and allowing it to fill the void that God took before His removal in the schools in 1962.  Why should we call on Him in our time of crisis when He was not allowed to be there in the first place?
In the early sixties, the two worst offenses in school was talking in class and chewing gum.  Now it is weapons.  We don't realize that teachers are unable to defend their class and themselves with no weapons, and gun control will not work.  Why?  Those who will break the law will do it to get weapons anyway, so why should we punish those who do obey the law?  Concealed carry is the best option.  If these people could defens themselves they may think differently, and I believe it would prevent many lives from being lost.
Hollywood and video games are promoting violence at an alarming rate, and if not informed and protected by parents, this infects children's minds more than we will ever know.  Sorry to say, in these last days, the devil will pull every last trick he can to get mankind to disdain God, and movies, TV shows and games will do the trick (oh yeah, I can't forget secular music as well).
Imagine what has filled the void that was left behind when we kicked God out of our lives, our schools, our government.  Even churches are leaving Him at the door, to better benefit the sinners they entrust to fuel their finances.  Ray Comfort had some interesting things about John Lennon's song, "Imagine."  As I ponder on this, there is more truth now on His lyrics than ever before, and I see America unravel without God, that song is beginning to take fruit.  We need God more than ever, but mankind continues in his futile attempt to live fruitfully without Him. 
It won't work.  History has proven that.  Now I understand why Jesus referred man as "sheep." 
We are stupid.

Jeremiah 6:16


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