Friday, July 12, 2013

How much has changed...points to ponder

1.  In the old times, women used to worry about their future until they were married.  Now some of them complain ABOUT getting married.
2.  Up until the sixties, women routinely wore dresses.  Now, only on occasion.  What changed?
3.  The church had the ability to change the atmosphere around them.  Now the atmosphere around them changes the church.
4.  Government used to fear the people.  Now the people fear the government.

5.  Why are some women today concerned of getting married and not finding "that man?"
6.  The definition of marriage hadn't changed in 5000 years.  Now it is being rewritten (which now I believe will never stay constant).  What has changed?
7.  When I was a teenager, I needed to go out of the house to have a friend or relationship.  Not anymore.
8.  Interesting how the minority claim Constitutional rights against the same rights of others.
9.  Why do feminists today believe they should be treated like a lady when they want to be equal to "one of the guys?"
10.  What would people do in the younger generation when technology no longer works?
11.   If conservatives don't like something, they just don't choose it.   Liberals believe they should rid what they dislike.  If they get rid of all they dislike, would it still be considered "pro-choice?"
12.  Is it more truer than today - that pro and can are opposites, so is progress and Congress?


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