Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Call For Repentance in America

I will keep this short and sweet.  Below is a link of a letter from Billy Graham he posted shortly after the election.  Remember this through the reading, he has met every President since Harry S. Truman and there is only one that hasn't - Barack Obama.  There are many theories to why he has not met with Billy Graham but my assumption is he does not want to be convicted being in Mr. Graham's presence.  Not saying he is God, and he certainly has made mistakes, but in his last years he is truly seeking God and not waiting for his ticket to eternity.

Mr. Graham sees the need for not just America as a whole (which I know will not happen) but as the Body of Christ, we have that capibility.  Sadly, I do not see every Christian doing that, either, for many are self seekers, others may be new Christians.  I do believe there are enough Christians who can wholeheartedly seek God for repentance.  The government will not turn from its destructive course, neither will the majority who voted our President for a second term.  The only thing left is to get on our knees, humble ourselves, and fill up that bowl of the saints.  Until we change on the inside of the church, we cannot see change on the outside. 

To do the same thing and expect different results is called insanity. 

To finish with an old Dakota Indan proverb:

If you are riding a dead horse, the best option is to dismount. 

Look at your horse after reading Billy Graham's letter.



Please copy and paste link below: 

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