Friday, November 30, 2012

The End Times and Israel

Yesterday, the United Nations General Assembly voted to place the Gaza Strip, West Bank and East Jerusalem under Palestinian state.  This doesn't surprise me, as Israel has very few allies anymore and the biased media presents the Palestinians as "people without a country."  Hamas will continue their hatred attacks on Israel, replenishing its weapon from Iran, who probably gets theirs from Russia. 
The two issues I have is why doesn't the other Arab nations take on the Palestinians?  The numbers aren't big to warrant such intrusion to stifle any of the Muslim countries in the Middle East, primarily Saudi Arabia.  the reason isn't if they truly didn't want them in their homeland, but the fact they can remain a thorn in the flesh of Israel, get the meat puppets at CNN, MSNBC, and any other world liberal media to promote Israel as the true enemy and viola, we have fireworks to bring fire to civilians in Israel, but complain that it is in retaliation to the Jews hatred toward them.  When you tell a lie convincingly enough, you will be surprised how many assume it as truth.
The second issue is troublesome, and has actually put me in a spiritual quagmire of much deep thought.  The following morning, the Kismet has defended their land by agreeing to build 3,000 homes on the disputed land.  The sad part is ever time Israel has been forced to give up land, two things happened.  The first is obvious but ignorant to the libs, but clear to others.  Hamas just uses the "acquired land" to bring more rocket attacks in Israeli cities.  Does the media report the daily attacks?  No, not until Israel is forced to return fire in protection of their citizens.  Unfortunately, until the antichrist to make a peace treaty (that will hold for three and a half years), Israel will have no peace.  Worse, I believe the current administration will turn her back toward Israel, either by economic issues or choice.
The other thought I have is when someone, or country, has put a knife in the back of Israel to remove her borders more, God has intervened.  Yet, we take this as "coincidence," but when we look at what happened each time, it can't merely be by chance.  America has suffered in some way economically, even though Washington, D.C. didn't take the direct hit. 
Let's look.
Bill Clinton (Oslo Accords) Sept. 13, 1993.  Signed agreement between Yitzhak Rabin and Yassar Arafat, acknowledging the Palestinian Authority.  The Israeli Kisnet finalized the vote by a majority.  Right after the agreement, fighting intensified, leaving more Israeli soldiers dead. 
America - The great flood in the summer of 1993 caused $15B in damage, levees broke all along the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, causing record flooding, some places averaging 350% above normal rainfall.   Coincidence?  More?  Sure.
In 1998, under Clinton pressure, Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to give up 13% of the West Bank, but was not going to accept a separate Palestinian state, which he would refuse to do.  On January 20, 1998, Bill Clinton left Netanyahu high and dry, terminating the meeting and insulted by Benjamin's strong stance.  The very next day, began the "Whitewater" investigation and his affair with Paula Jones in the White House.  Mr. Clinton hoped he could pressure Netanyahu out of his prime minister job, now he himself was facing impeachment issues.  Only through the Senate was our 42nd President saved to finish out his term.  Anyone who has studied politics knew the dislike President Clinton had for Netanyahu, a taste the has been passed on to our current administration.
President George W. Bush has seen God make his mark on two separate occasions.  On this one day, President Bush went to complete the deal to create a Palestinian state by 2005, and the plan was presented to the United Nations.  The day was September 10th, 2001.  I will leave the next day for you.
How about some more to keep this going...
On August 15, 2005, P.M. Ariel Sharon sent soldiers to serve immediate eviction notices to those living in the Gaza Strip under U.S. pressure, who have lived there for over thirty years.  These families were given forty-eight hours.  To finish the job, the Kisnet left the synagogues untouched, maybe so the Palestinians could enjoy tearing them down.  One week later, President Bush confirmed its role in the desire to have a Palestinian state. 
On the very next day, upon completion of the eviction of Jews from Gaza, a tropical depression began to grow at an accelerated pace.  The day before, the NOAA did not expect this to be of any problem growing or toward the U.S.  It first hit Florida as a Category 1, went into the gulf and became Category 5 in a very short time, around nine hours from Cat. 3 to Cat. 5.  Her name was Katrina, which literally means "cleansing."
With the destruction Katrina left, many home were uninhabitable and few came back to rebuild.  The exact number is not known, but very possibly the same number that was evicted from Gaza, was done to America.  God is a judge of weights.  Also to note, the mayor of New Orleans had to use FORCE to remove many of the New Orleans residents, leaving and many deciding after the devastation, not to return.   New Orleans may have recovered somewhat, but it has not been the same.
Not even a month later, Bush tried again.  Hurricane Wilma cost America another $30B.
In 2007, Bush sent Sec. of State Rice to try yet again.  January 12th, 2007, a massive ice storm crippled the Northeast, causing issues over half the nation.  One month later, she went to Germany to get support.  Germany was hit with a storm, leaving several dead across Europe.
In 2008, more diplomatic and political pressure came from the Bush administration, made before the UN Assembly in September.  On the 15th, Wall Street fell by 777 points (any reference to God?), Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy, and markets across the world felt the heat in the coming weeks.
All I can say from here is President Obama's desire to see this Palestinian state.  The worst part is God has placed some footprint of warning, and mankind seems to ignore these notes left behind.  If America takes the lead and forces Israel to leave the land the U.N. demands to be ceded to the Palestinian state, I truly cannot imagine how God will react.  As of this writing, the Northeast is still feeling the effects left by Hurricane Sandy, one month after she made landfall.  After promises made that helped him get re-elected, the government still has made one iota to help these people.  Also note in 2012 over half the states felt the impact of drought, which will hit us in 2013.  Unusually warm weather in March, cold in April, and dry for much of the summer killed much of the apple and corn fields.  Your pocketbook will feel this sting in 2013.  
I personally do not want to experience God's wrath on what has happened on November 29th, 2012.  America had her hand on this, as well as many others.  How God will judge this is beyond any of my imaginations, and possibly He is waiting for a mercy call from America's church.  Anyone who forces Israel to move her borders God will meet Him.  Sadly, until He sees them face to face, others will feel it. 
I believe the United Nations will try to flaunt some muscle into forcing Israel back some more.  All I can say is, be prepared and watch. 
I will take a step of faith on this.  I feel something is going to go down BIG in 2014 or 2015.  How it will happen I don't know.  Many small businesses will go under because of Obamcare.  Bigger businesses will either do two things to keep profits from sinking below where they are now - laying off or cutting hours to much of its staff, or raising prices to meet the government's requests.  With the government taking more money, albeit indirectly, from consumers, the economy will slowly recede, due to more people being forced on the government plan and welfare.  When the governmental bubble pops, it may force everyone to "pay up," bringing riots and uncivil rest throughout America.  Why would the government purchase a half a billion hollow point bullets and prepare mass graves with plastic coffins?  This could be for a prepared civil war from its citizens and wants to provoke or eugenics.  And let's not forget it may lead to the jihadists hiding here to prepare its final mission. 
There are so many different scenarios and, until we repent, we could see anything happen, and it won't be pretty.  Unless we change, the future does not look good.  Maybe the second coming is MUCH closer.

Next I will bring up the Harbinger and the occurrences in 2015 that looks to be a fulfillment in prophecy.

In Christ,


Joel 3:9

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