NOTE: I am doing this off memory, so if there is any errors (good chance there will be), then please forgive me. I am human.
I have a couple books by Charles Finney. One has been very interesting to me, which is called "Holy Spirit Revivals," which I have read a few times through, and I once in awhile just open up and scan a few pages. There are times I have sat down, pondering the differences between what happened in his time (this includes Jonathan Edwards and the Wesley brothers) and the "revivals" being promoted in the last twenty-five years. The change is amazing. Here are a few. (I will also the note of the Hebrides Revival in 1947, because much of what occurred then coincides with the early 18th century.)
1. Manifestations.
Jesus said during the time of his speech of the Great Commission of the signs and wonders to those who believe. These were His words:
Mark 16:17-18
And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; [18] They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
I have read much about the Hebrides Revival, and remember quite a bit from Finney's book. I have found NOTHING of what I will recall "special manifestations," which are gold dust, manna, glory clouds, angelic orbs, and the like. Much was brought forth on preaching the whole truth, sin, repentance and the need to be holy and separate. Finney quotes many times in his book about those being agitated in the soul, only to come to him because they could not sleep at night and needed to get right with God.
"Nothing" was safe when Finney was asked to preach. Lawyers were convicted and saved. Those who fallen asleep spiritually in church came to know Christ. Even in his book was mentioned of him going to a factory (NOTE: He spoke in the third person for this), where a couple people began mocking him, he witnessed to them, through this the owner heard this and closed down the work so they can hear the impromptu message, which many, if not all, were saved that day. All that was needed was the truth and the Holy Spirit. Nothing more, nothing less.
Today is marked more of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and Bethel Church in Redding, CA, (led by Bill Johnson) has led many Christians to believe more of special manifestations than God Himself. Understand, I am not judging any one's heart in searching for Christ, but only the direction which cannot be defined in the Bible. When people are recording and boasting of the S.M. but very little on His presence and holiness, we need to examine ourselves on our motives. The Great Awakening said nothing, Charles Finney's book says nothing, the Hebrides Revival say nothing. Yet, when some speak of the Toronto Outpouring, the Brownsville Revival, and the Lakeland Outpouring (maybe I will say my piece on that later), more were related to gifts that God.
2. Convictions
Many churches are preaching more of grace than truth. Pulpits are more concerned with people leaving the church than their condition. Today, the main reason people run to the altar is to get something, usually prayer, an anointing, or maybe a prophetic word. Very rarely does anyone see repentance grip the heart of those who need it. Give me what I want, not what I need. Any convicting message may lead them out the door, with the sometimes willing tithe. Those type of people will continue to run until the church they find has no concern of their condition, just a portion of their wallet. Having a form of godliness, but denying its power, from such, turn away.
3. Doctrines.
This one has held me for a loop recently. The reason is doctrines have exploded, and they continue to increase more and more in these last days. Some are so obvious they can easily be derided, even though they are also starting to gain an acceptance. Much is to avoid conviction and reproof. Others are associating with other religions, many are being more accommodating to those living in sin. Some easily manipulate Scripture to promote a different God that is more manageable. With many different denominations claiming the Christian band, and growing number of translations of the Bible, is it any wonder the need to see how the old way was, and compare today's churches and pulpits with yesteryear, no imagination is necessary. I have to literally tear down right back down to the foundation to see where the errors are and rid them, but some are so clever in their "translations," it takes a good reading and trusting the Holy Spirit to distinguish truth from manipulation.
Why did the old ways work so well that we avoid that path, and seek a modern seeker friendly theology? Why are pulpits so afraid to offend the people with truth when we all desperately need it? I wish I had an answer, and when God isn't around, this should be a clue...
Jeremiah 6:16
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