Most of what I am about to rely questions that have run through my mind quite a few times. Much have I pondered on the changes that have occurred in the church, mainly in the last several years. In between researching witnesses' testimonies from the Hebrides Revival in 1947 and comparing them with the self-proclaimed revivals in the last twenty years has provided stark differences in its "ingredients." Even the transformations taken place in many American churches should leave many wondering...what happened?
For thousands of years, the church taught the message with passion and conviction. Yes, there are still pulpits with that love and zeal. Now we have tons of Western churches seeking entertainment to keep the coffers filled. As far as the 1950s, many women wore dresses all the time, and many serve in capacity of the church but never in spiritual authority of a pastor. The churches had some associate pastors but there was no need of ordainment of youth, children, even worship pastors of today. Though I have yet to research this thought, so I am not sure, but was there really mega churches in the early 20th century like we claim today?
There are teachers who believe that there were no apostles or prophets (those in the office category) until recently in the last fifty years, now that God has been releasing them, since it is closing in on the last days. Up until now, I was buying it but now I don't accept it. The methods that I see being used and how those who have "this word" are the ones who are claiming the titles. C. Peter Wagner has endorsed himself the can "chief apostle" of the Coalition, and to be part of it is to strict guidelines they promote, and only so many belong to such a group. Interesting, many have left in the last few years.
His "study" has led to many classifications of "apostles," some being horizontal, some being vertical (ironic that Mr. Wagner has ALL these apostolic gifts). Bottom line is there is nothing in Scripture that disperses such "anointings." The only difference is between the office of a apostle ordained by Jesus in Ephesians 4:11 and the works within the church in 1 Corinthians 12:28. No more, no less.
I have already discussed in a previous blog about what Scripture says of women in spiritual authority, namely pastors. In the revivals of old, I have no doubt God touched women, and spiritually ordained them for their calling and worked through their faithfulness many times over. But not until the last few years did some women demand "equality" in the spirit and claim their spot in pastoral positions. Why now? How is it that the church and those generations have it all wrong but not allowing women in authority? How have we determined that Paul had it must have been a cultural thing. Same reason why churches are embracing God's love in homosexuality, which goes AGAINST the nature He created for humans.
Matthew Vine is making a living mocking the very Book that he claims to preach. His proclamation is since he was "born" homosexual, this is his natural life, and this view no longer applies to Romans 1:18-32. Simple ploy, God created him homosexual, so this lifestyle is natural, hence, homosexuals and the like have no need to change. Another doctrine that has infiltrated churches beginning another process of disintegrating the foundation of Christianity.
The Church has also seen the manifestation doctrine. This is where conferences and churches are more into spiritual manifestations into the physical. Falling manna, gold dust, angelic orbs, even glory clouds are making the rounds. One has claimed to bleed healing blood from her hands, another preaches while "drunk in the spirit," another says he can turn water into wine on command. Raising hundreds from the dead, while the Bible only mentions three from Jesus alone is another ministry boast. Some ministries teach on special portals for spiritual anointings, others boast on their special angels like "international banker anointing" for monetary blessings.
Why go on?
What has caused the church to change from the past, where God blessed it in many ways? Why has many churches and denominations become so ignorant to believe their views is much better than the scholars of yore? Why is there so many "pastors" today? Why does it seem that many are now seeking forbidden fruit or callings that God did not give? What happened to lifting Jesus up and letting HIM draw those to the churches? Why are so entertainment minded to keep those who are more interested in keeping them in the church physically and not spiritually?
Maybe there are answers that haven't been released but the Church is losing its power and its holiness for grace that has no use in God's kingdom. Pastors are so afraid to lose them they will do anything to keep them. Magachurches, are they really helping? Does Joel Osteen really teach holiness, or a false wall prosperity message that will never convict its members? Does those living a lavish life while in ministry, do they boast a prosperity message because of gifts from those who are looking for themselves? With all the Apostle Paul went through how would see the message being preached today? Finally, how does the Body survive when those that come to church equal the amount that leave out the back door?
Ponder for awhile...
Jeremiah 6:16
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