We have seen so many doctrines infiltrate the churches, it is sorely divided much, and the fight among calling those legalistic, including those denominations accepting homosexuality, dismissing the atonement, apostle and prophetic structuring, supernatural phenomena (manna, gold dust, glory clouds, etc.) and others that I cannot recollect from memory. Pulpits are afraid to address sin, and unknowingly acknowledge that living secular ways while claiming God's grace is made them ineffective against the enemy. Repentance is no longer mentioned with conviction, holiness is an afterthought, and many teach your "best life now," but ignore that about trials, tribulations, even how Jesus learned obedience through suffering.
With the world increasing its intolerance toward Christians, some denominations have chosen to cower from the fear of man and embraced its view of lifestyles that go contrary to God's Word and will. Many ministries continue to find ways to interpret Scripture verses to better back THEIR view. I have heard teachings about special supernatural portals, which is contrary to what Jesus said:
I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through Me (John 14:6)
Any other way of supernatural is not through Jesus, and does not reach the third heavens, since it is possible for Satan to masquerade as an angel of light.
Some ministries from the Word of Faith movement proclaim frequent third heaven visits to the throne of God, and it seems they can now do as they will. Paul was the only one listed in the Bible who mentioned about this revelation, and he refused to boast of this, referring it in the Word as a third party. Now we have people who claim it regularly.
The Kansas City movement brought forth "prophets" who were inclined to promote their special gifting for specific purposes. One felt the need for women to rid themselves of an "outer distraction" (aka clothing) for special prophetic words, even to the point of duping his wife this was needed. Another was caught in homosexuality, went through counseling but proclaimed himself healed, and continues to do his ministry.
The sad part is during the "height" of the Lakeland Outpourring, several of the big names made their way down to Florida to jump on the bandwagon. C. Peter Wagner, Bob Jones, David Cho, Stacey Campbell, Rick Joiner, et al, made prophetic proclamations over Todd Bentley that he was double honored, he was to be a portal to Europe, they all praised him, while he was having an social affair (who he eventually married after his divorce), drinking on the side and getting more tattoos to better showcase his image of poor upbringing. What makes me upset is the way they went into damage control instead of simply saying we goofed and did not use discernment. It showed they were more concerned of their ministry and how people view them then confessing publicly toward God for forgiveness and repentance.
Now, I know there is general reasons why believers fall for this, and it comes from the flesh. No flesh likes sufferings, so it wants to accept what the flesh wants. Flesh don't like persecution, but the word says the godly shall be persecuted. The flesh doesn't like to go through trials, which tests faith and persevere, but Christians will do anything to avoid these areas in our path, so we take detours. Prosperity teaches the opposite life of Apostle Paul, and yet preaches what Paul said, but not what he went through. Benny Hinn recently asked for help for a $2.5M debt, yet he has a mansion overlooking the Pacific Ocean and private jet. How does the prosperity message working to maintain a lifestyle inferior to Jesus and the Apostle Paul?
Why are pastors afraid of preaching and training those who need to move to solid meat? How long do spiritual adults should remain on baby milk? How long will people to seek supernatural but never coming to the truth of those manifestations? Is this how you can bring in the crowds and leave those coming in the same spiritual condition as the walk out the door?
Simply put, where is the real Jesus and which hold to ALL His principle, teachings and walk? After fourteen years of being Christian, I have fallen off the path somewhere and looking to get back, but I do not want to hope on any worn path many have walked that will not lead to Jesus without the tool of humility. It isn't money I seek, and how I see where America is going, it will be a test of faith that no American citizen who have never faced any struggles like third world countries and Islamic regimes that persecute to death ANY Christian. America will not know what hit us, and I truly fear the catastrophe that will eventually come, since our government will take a millenium to cover its debt, and God is watching. How long before God has no choice to judge? Are you ready? I am not sure I will, either.
Jeremiah 6:16
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