Friday, January 4, 2013

America and her wickedness

If true history was to be taught in schools today, it should be noted of two Americas, one pre-1960 and the other post-1960.  The changes that have occured from around 1960 is astronomical.  It isn't the note of Roe vs Wade in 1973, and just the Supreme Court actions in 1962 that began the removal of God from government and classrooms, it has been the moral decay in society that has accumulated since around that time.  The worst part is in the last few years, it has accelerated exponentially to where there is little to hide from its madness.
We have had Columbine to Virginia Tech to Sandy Hook with school shootings.  Aurora, CO, witnessed a mass shooting ina movie premiere showing of the latest Dark Knight movie.  Murder suicides have become so commonplace that it seems to be desensitizing our mind of such violence.  Video games are becoming so realistic in its portrayal of violence of gore it is getting difficult to differentiate reality from fantasy.  Hollywood has been the hypocrites of society, as many actors and actresses denounce gun advocates but play in roles where shooting and killing are routine.  Interesting to some movie goers is G-rated movies outgross many horror and action/suspense movies, yet, Hollywood continues its creation of such "adrenaline" movies.  Even many media outlets have become ignorant of many issues that should be reported, unless it benefits those who they donate to.
America is now the propagation of filth, from the porn industry, cartoons that hold much adult content, comedians that now believe foul language is appropriate for laughter, arguments of racism, and now certain lawmakers are believing the best way to deal with lawbreakers is to punish society as a whole.  Sexual innuendo is the new normal for television shows, even the Family Feud has questions that normally shouldn't be asked within earshot of children.
The church has been doing all it can to walk the fence to attract the outside into its walls.  Worship has now gone "mainstream," with bigger churches bringing concert lights and projector screen for words and fancy effects.  Christian music continues to move the line in its subtle means to follow the secular industry to obtain new crowds.  The minority (of sorts) is going after any and all forms of Christianity in America today, hoping to remove it to its four walls, where it can finally find the nail in the coffin to eradicate ts existence.
We currently have an executive administration that will not have any accountability for its action, and a legislative branch that has become toothless to hold checks and balances.  The judicial branch is now infected with liberal judges who demand man over God mentality, and purposely ignores the cries from the conservatives for their views yet, stomps loudly when their own voice yelps from the pit of their destruction.  Our government has raised the debt limit twice in the last four years but is more than willing to put ours, and yours, children future at stake,  This "give me my share now" mentality sucks for a generation that does not deserve this treatment from such a selfish people.
While the church stands by, crying out for Jesus to return soon, the enemy is laughing at our selfish behavior.  We seek more of God's hands but not repentance to bring us closer to God.  We want His blessings but want the Blesser to remain a distance away, for fear our lifestyle will fall way short of His standards.  We want encouragement, but open to ignore the rest of the message.  Pulpits fear the people walking away to another church, thus, preach a watered down message to keep them coffers filled with believers who hold no living water.  And we wonder why the same amount of believers walk out of our churches as well as the ones we witness to.
I have seen churches who are so full of their "manifestations" and the money they can bring in, and brag of their ministries these cannot find a way to help those in need.  They boast of all they help they give to other missions and ministries but they neglect those right under the noses.  Churches that are close to death will never admit their need for spiritual life support.  Believers have become lazy in some areas, accustomed to Scriptures and teachings placed on projector screens, with no ability to discern if the teaching is correct and spirit filled.  Bibles are left on the shelf, some trusting new versions saved on their smartphones, even willing to answer the phones ans walk out during the service.
understand, I have a degree in technology and I am looking ahead for more knowledge through college courses in the future, but our dependency isn't on phones, computers and the internet.  We are now induced to have relationships and conversations with technology instead of face to face, and this is including our Savior and God.
You cannot avoid the dysfunction of the world today.  Lawsuits over the silliest things, removal of a cross in the desert, one guy sued a small mom-n-pop dry cleaning for $40M because his suit wasn't perfect.  (The plaintiff was a judge himself and, no, it was thrown out frivolously.)  Some listen to comedians and those who spew hate for our news and information.  Kids coming out of high school, the majority of them can't even name states and capitals, the government system, but they can instantly remember what goes on in Hollywood and music.  We truly are a decadent society.
The scenarios are not good for the future.  The Bible clearly warns us of the upcoming Great Tribulation, and it gives the season before it happens.  We are IN that season of time.  Lawlessness will abound, the love (agape) will grow cold among the church.  eventually, our right to speak the name of Jesus will come with a price only a few will pay.  Our economy will collapse, God will remove His final part of protection over us, and the door will be open for the antichrist to come forth, then how far will encouraging words take you?
His grace will take you so far, His mercy endures forever, but the what will you fear in this time, man or God?  The true test won't come from your mouth, it will come through the actions of the time. 
I hope I do the right thing. 


Jeremiah 6:16

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