Recently a story came about the final moments of Morningland Dairy, after a two year battle with the government, even though they did nothing wrong. Last Friday (Jan. 25th, 2013), the state milk board took control of $250k worth of cheese (or what was left of it) and took to a landfill to be burned, thus, effectively destroying the business. This was a family owned farm in Missouri that donated much of its milk and cheese to those in need in the Ozarks. In the thirty years of its existence, it NEVER failed a test, even in the worst of place and never had a case of people getting sick from one ounce of its products. Nevertheless, someone must have felt threatened by their product, as in 2011 it's cheese and raw milk was seized by the government for no apparent reason. In its fight in the court, none of the tests were brought up as evidence, as officials tested their product 99 times, each one came back negative. To save time, more of the story can be found here:
Back during World War 2, Congress became worried of propaganda, so the Fairness Doctrine was introduced. Back then, there was not much of a deal, since Democrats and Republicans were not that far apart. I may be wrong, but this doctrine in communications (there was only newspapers, magazines and radio back then) was eventually abolished in the Ronald Reagan years. Interestingly, the liberal minded Democrats are jealous of the success of the conservative radio shows (Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage have been near the top for many years) and want to demand THEIR say on their opposition's time. So far, it hasn't made much distance, since very few can't hold a candle to what El Rushbo has done for years.
Why I am writing on how the government is slowly taking control of certain factions of businesses under the radar and under the guise of wellness. Though I have only seen the movie trailer, Netflix has a movie that I will see real soon called "Farmageddon," which showcases small farms constantly under attack by the government. My surmise is that the government wants a conglomerate market, one that abides completely to their rules, but not necessarily the benefits of its citizens. Consider that a reporter asked Obama if the Affordable Care Act was the "piece de resistance," than he and the rest of the government should be under its umbrella as well. The President did his wonderful magic trick of avoidance by not answering the question. It was also brought to the attention of other Congress personnel before voting to have them transfer their health care over to Obamacare, and NONE of the Democrats refused, then rammed it through so it can become law, thus, fulfilling Nancy Pelosi, who said "we need to pass the bill so we can see what's in it." This gives the benefit of finding ways to change it before the 2300 pages can be published.
To pique more interest, we have on cable CSPAN and CSPAN2, which is to broadcast both Houses of Congress during times of session. We have a President who promised (where have we heard that before?) the greatest transparency of any administration. Yet, he has used the greatest disregard of bipartisan promotion by going through executive orders to bypass Congress and the U.S. Constitution, which has sworn on the Bible TWICE to uphold. America is in dangerous waters, and so is the church.
What? How can I say that? the following Scriptures I will bring up to show you something that has had me thinking for quite so time, but now I can understand fully, which I will explain to the best of my ability.
Jeremiah 21:10
For I have set my face against this city for evil, and not for good, saith the Lord: it shall be given into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall burn it with fire.
Jeremiah 22:25
And I will give thee into the hand of them that seek thy life, and into the hand of them whose face thou fearest, even into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, and into the hand of the Chaldeans.
During Jeremiah's time, he was instructed by God to warn Israel of its impending captivity. For those seventy years, the Jews had to adhere to the reign of King Nebuchadrezzar of Babylon. The dilemma I have yet to figure out is if Hananiah is still prophesying good over the church or have we been given over to the "Babylon" of our government. The issue is the same, the only difference is God is not going to bring America into captivity not physically, but socially, by radically allowing the change to come through the government. I believe it hasn't fully happened yet, since those of God truly listening in the Spirit will here the words "Flee from the Daughter of Babylon" (Jeremiah 51:6). I truly believe what God has done in the natural in the OT can happen in the spiritual in the NT.
This is the question I have today for the Body of Christ:
"Are we wanting to hear Hananiah's prophesy that God will deliver us or Jeremiah's warning, which was God's will?"
Remember, because of Israel's disobedience and ignorance of God but accepting idol worship and acting mundane to His laws, God brought the Babylonian Empire into the picture. Also remember it was the dream God gave to King Nebuchadrezzar that foretold the future kingdoms, including the final one, that acts like feet mixed with iron and clay. This was done to humble both the king and promote the humble in Daniel for the benefit of the Jews.
Can the same happen to the church in America? Yes, but is the condition better or worse that the Jews of that time before God? If we are to judge ourselves according to what we believe, we are perfect and righteous, but much of the Bible we neglect to examine ourselves in full knowledge of the truth. We say a sinner's prayer without knowledge of sin and expect repentance is a natural, then walk out of church not having one ounce of change in our hearts. Many in the church rather would here Hananiah's words of "encouragement" than Jeremiah's word of truth. Itching ears is easier to digest in their spirit than truth in love.
If many in the Body understood who God in other ways instead of limiting Him to "man's view" of love, we can begin to trust Him through trials and persecutions. Jeremiah 9:23-24 is not quoted enough from believers, because there is one part many disagree is part of Him:
Thus saith the Lord, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: [24] But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the Lord.
I have met people who have boasted on their wisdom of the word. I have heard many on TV who boast of their "might in their spirit," and others have felt their riches are signs of blessings of the Almighty. But the true glory is KNOWING HIM, and we truly can know Him by His ways He exercises patience and mercy, judgment and righteousness, which says He DELIGHTS in doing. Strange that we are willing to miss the ones we don't want to believe in.
If there is a time we need to examine ourselves, and allow the Holy Spirit to do the cleaning, this is the time. Once the persecution begins, and if you are under the pressure of a Babylonian style government, by then it may be too late. By then you may not have enough faith to stand in the face of the enemy. Don't expect the rapture to save you, since the possibility of America's demise can happen before the rise of the antichrist. Please, don't take that chance. He is holy, and He wants His children to be SEPARATE (2 Corinthians 6:17). Either rid yourself of the world, or become a friend of it. There is no gray area, no fence to straddle. Look at your spiritual feet, what ground is it on? We can't chase Him on Sundays and ignore Him the rest of the week. We can't worship Him in church that seek idols during the rest of the week.
The church needs to be challenged. It chooses to stand far away while claiming His presence is strong. Our spirits need to be broken, and we won't let the Holy Spirit convict us where it is needed. Sadly, we are showing a form of godliness but denying its power. We are more afraid of showing the Light on ourselves. Is this the God we want to show to a world that needs it, or One that is full of love, Mercy and is Holy?
Final note: What would the church be like of John Edwards, Charles Finney, John Wesley and the like do with the church today?
Just a food for thought.
Jeremiah 6:16
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