Monday, January 21, 2013

Today's Gospel of Sodom and Gomorrah

Genesis 13:13
    But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly.

Genesis 18:20
    And the Lord said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous;

We won't admit this is hapening in America today.  The church won't dare call this country Babylon.  Yet, all her sins have to be nauseating toward God.  Its ways has to be causing the Almighty to turn His back and remove His hand, finger by finger, away from this once great nation.  The REAL sad part is watching His children come more and more into its sin of prosperity and want more and more each day.
There is coming a day when this nation can no longer avoid God's judgment upon her, and don't believe for a second that the church will not be part of the sentence.  It will, and there is a good chance it will get a more deserving punishment, since it should know better.  America's iniquity is no longer hidden, as this is now exposed for all the world to see.  Its desire for prosperity is now its moral compass, its thirst for success overrides its needs to do things right.  Since it no longer serves the God of Abraham, the Bible is not the guidance for learning of history, and America is proving it is doomed to repeat it.
In the book of Jeremiah, much of his preparation was to warn Israel of its upcoming captivity and her need to submit to the new government.  In chapter 28, Hananiah plays the role of a "prosperity prophet," giving "encouraging words" to the people that no matter the circumstances, God will see us through with no harm.  Jeremiah prophesies that yokes of wood would be placed on the people, a symbol that it will be temporary and easily broken when the times comes.  As Hananiah speaks, he breaks the wood as a symbol of God breaking the yoke.  The response is one that today's church would not acknowledge as well:

Jeremiah 28:13-14
    Go and tell Hananiah, saying, Thus saith the Lord; Thou hast broken the yokes of wood; but thou shalt make for them yokes of iron. [14] For thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; I have put a yoke of iron upon the neck of all these nations, that they may serve Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon; and they shall serve him: and I have given him the beasts of the field also.

To top it off, Jeremiah prophesied that when these words came to pass, Hananiah would be found hiding under a bed.  As the Bible confirms, the people ignore the true warning and held on the false words from Hananiah, and the captivity began under Nebuchadnezzar.
From my standpoint, there is a dilemma considering America, because she is no playing the role of the great harlot written in Revelations.  America boasts of her "freedom," freedom of women's rights to kill innocent unborn babies.  Her freedom to brag of religious freedom, but not concerning Christianity.  Her wealth to help other nations, in which some are glad to accept our money, only to use it against her citizens around the world.  We help other countries with thier abortions, endorsing throughout the world our desire to rid ourselves from many in the coming generation.  We are know opening ourselves up to complete removal of God when churches and states now endorse homosexuality, while calling on Him to bless us. 
How can God bless us with so much open sin?  Sodom and Gmorrah were so openly wicked in God's eyes, there was not ten among them.  Lot became so enticed by her prosperity, he eventually moved into the walls and gave up his inheritance when he separated from Abraham.  The Body of Christ continues to replace the lines of standard that the Holy Spirit wrote in the Bible for ours, which is more attainable through our flesh.  We change the image of God more into the golden calf, one that is more manageable for out lifestyle than living at His staandards.  We cannot see through the smoke we create, believing this is the glory cloud of God when it is the dust from the graves we dig relunctantly.  We don't care of conviction for us, only blessings that we no longer deserve.
Christians have been blind to the upcoming destruction of America and her sins.  We are told to believe God will protect us from any upheavals, but Israel has been down this road twice, yet, we do not see the same for us.  Even Daniel was sent along in captivity, and was obedient to the government up to the point where it conflicted with God's law and will.  I could not find anywhere in the Bible where the nonbelievers and sinners were held captive, but the obedient remained.  All but a few were taken.  Also remember that if Daniel wasn't sent away with the rest of Israel, the dreams the Nebuchadnezzar had may not had been translated, which also was prophesy, including the last days empire.
Why is it that 2 Chronicles 7:14 is often quoted but seldom used?  It takes a great multitude to come in agreement, but with many churches and denominations not in unity for the basic foundation of Christianity, it is easily understandable why it isn't happening.
There are some who believe America is going to have another civil war, and the possiblitiy exists.  Our rights are slowly being taken away by a government that is gradually turning from democratic to socialistic.  The kingdom that Christians should be seeking and desiring to live under is monarchy based.  America is in the path of economic collapse, the future realization of another dust bowl looks possible, makes me wonder how much longer God will allow in His grace for us to repent or pass judgment. 
I believe something is going to happen soon, though I won't make predictions, for God is a righteous Judge and He knows the best and worst of America.  My fear is He will look at America's churches and judge them first, asking them why did we not intercede for her.  I am not saying there ISN'T Christians praying for her to repent, I just believe there isn't enough people and the church is only seeking for themselves.  It is difficult for me to see this country on the path she is on, and how my children will not be able to enjoy the freedom I did when I was their age.
Lastly, many times in the book of Acts, there was preaching among the oppression of the Romans, and many were getting born again.  When the government gets into this position (which I believe may happen before 2016), this is when the final days of God's great mecry will come forth.  Only from the Christians who have joy among the worst of circumstances will the good news reach the hearts of those hardened with self and sin.  Hope we will be ready.




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