Friday, January 25, 2013

Daughter of Babylon Part 3

In this blog, I am going to concentrate on the "great city Babylon." 
I began to make my point that New York City will play a key concerning the future in the last days.  We need to start around the birth of the United States to get a start on how New York City.  Once we establish a good point, we will see where it all ends, especially in the last days.
Understand, Washington was not the capital of this fledgling nation, at one point it was New York City.  When the Founding Fathers finally finished the Constitution, it went past St. Paul's church (which is still standing today) into an area to meet and make a covenant through prayer.  This area where they met is now distinctively known now as Ground Zero, or where the Twin Towers were before their destruction on September 11th, 2001.  Please remember as you read on this is the area which originally began our government through prayer.
Fast forward to pre-2001.  Standing in the place of the prayer are the Twin Towers, the area which now houses the Stock Market.  In the movie "Trading Places," the character played by Dan Akyroyd said (paraphrased) this was "the last place of capitalist greed" in the world (I probably butchered the words).   Even Osama bin Ladin enjoyed the destruction of the sign of America's wealth.  In place of where was once prayer for our government is wealth and greed.  One one day, one attack brought 3000 died and the symbol of America down in around a hour.  In our stubbornness, we had to rebuild, this time taller and bigger.  In my view, it is a true defiance to God in the manner of the Isaiah 9:10 and the tower of Babel.  

Today New York City holds around 10 million people at any given time.  I believe Hurricane Sandy was a warning, now that it has been over three months and STILL the government hasn't been able to commit, leaving thousands still homeless and unable to come back to their homes.  Insurance companies have slowed the process for some, and even meteorologists were amazed at the hybrid Sandy turned out to be.  As a disclaimer, I am not going to say this was judgment on New York City, but a warning.  Ground Zero was flooded, and the rebuilding was put to a halt.  Still, politicians responded by saying it will not stop.
After World War I, Woodrow Wilson had a dream to see the nations slowly work together as one.  Eventually, the League of Nations was formed, and began meeting I believe in San Francisco.  When the Great Depression came, meetings became sparse and it never came to full completion.  After World War II, a newer and established form of the desired New World Order came as the United Nations.  The United Nations building is now in New York City, in which taxpayer money pays a good chunk of money to keep it funded.  The Bible does not say this is how the New World Order is birthed, but knowing the freefall of the economy and the possible chaos that would ensue, this would be the perfect opportunity for the antichrist to take center stage.
I will see how well I can bring us up to speed concerning New York City.  It is the centerpiece of greed in America, it is building its tower of Babel in defiance to God, and houses the United Nations, which would love to take the authority over her, considering that she is the major country that stands in her way for universal rule.  Our Second Amendment stands in the way for our government to take socialist control. 
Oops, back to NYC.  New York recently made a law regarding certain firearms.  Some may say this is nothing to worry about, but it always lead to something else.  Hitler made a law for all German to register their weapons, which all citizens obliged.  Once this was done, the government knew where the weapons were, so he followed suit by collecting them.  Once this was done, the German citizens were silly putty to whatever Hitler wanted, and there was nothing they could do to defend themselves.  If we allow this to happen, Congress and our President will take the opportunity away, and the rest of our freedoms will begin to vanish, one by one. 
I have not lived in NYC, but it nothing like it was in the Founding Father's time.  Yes, time do change, but the spiritual and moral laws do not over time.  Greed, sex, pride, even the idea to birth the New World Order are present in NYC.  But there is two things, one Scriptural, should scare ANYONE in the future about NYC.  Here's one:

Rev. 18:21
    And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all.

Below is the link to a vision that was shown to David Wilkerson in the early 1970s, in which he saw New York City burning everywhere.  The sermon he gave was before he wrote the book.  In a YouTube video I watched today, Carter Conlon said David agonized for weeks whether to write a book about it (he did), because he wanted to be sure and he might have prayed that this wasn't real and asked for mercy.  To put things in perspective, a man named Dietru Duduman came from Romania from oppression and made it America.  While he was suffering on a place to live, God shown him a vision of America burning in its major cities, and you can also google A.W. Tozer and his dream of destruction all around America.  I have read and heard some of his sermons and he as dismayed at the church and the condition of America in his time (note, he passed away in 1964).  Three prominent godly men, three very clear dreams of America under attack.
Let's put some clues that make this very possible and scary for her future.  Currently, there are sparks and fuel present in America that I did not mention before in the previous blogs.  With the Second Amendment under attack from the liberal Democrats, with our right to bear arms.  Since the mass killings at Sandy Hook elementary school, the current administration has made steps to avert Congress (again) and promote his abuse of powers to present new "rules" of gun control.  Even Rep. Diane Feinstein of California went to drastic measures to promote a bill to severely limit weapons.  I do not know the numbers, but there are millions in America who own guns for protection, imagine the uproar and the possible civil upheaval.  Add to the blatant bill passed by our brave Congress, where anyone speaks against anyone where Secret Service is involved, could be given a felony, punishable up to ten years.  What happened to free speech EVERYWHERE? 
The atmosphere is ripe for the citizens to stand up to the government officials, and could leave some major cities burning and looting, including New York City.
Notice the words in the above Scripture - "thus, with violence that great city will be thrown down."  No army will need to come to destroy America, it has all the makings for New York City to be burned down with violence.  With ten million people, anything is possible.  If this does happen, another prophecy is fulfilled and it would take years for NYC to rebuild. 
Five times Babylon is said to have fallen.  Before the fifth time, an angel says to stand afar off of her torment, for in one hour her judgment has come (see Revelations 18:10).  Eleven verses later, the great city is no more.  It will no longer resemble the great city it once was, and I doubt it will no longer be rebuilt.  Take time to listen to David Wilkerson's sermon on God's vision of New York City. 
Be prepared:
Isaiah 48:20
    Go ye forth of Babylon, flee ye from the Chaldeans, with a voice of singing declare ye, tell this, utter it even to the end of the earth; say ye, The Lord hath redeemed his servant Jacob.

It may be time to flee.  All I can say, is I hope for the rapture.  I do not want to be around to see this happen, especially with children.  Billy Graham said it best, if God doesn't judge America, He will have to apologize for Sodom and Gomorrah.  Mr. graham has the heart for American's to seek repentance and forgiveness, but will it tip the scales? 

Only time will tell.

His grace,

Jeremiah 6:16 

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