Rev. 16:19
And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.
Rev. 17:5
In my previous post, I have given proof of America being the daughter of Babylon. The question now comes into play, what will happen to America in the last days. First, I have heard some interesting things about what might happen, things that will lead up to her destruction due to her snubbing her nose at God. I do know it will only get worse, as her rebellion is accelerating. Can the Body of Christ stop it, or at least, slow it down? Prayer is effective but eventually America will have to face the judgment since it refuses His mercy. So I will concentrate on the possibilities of her demise.
Zech. 14:12
And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.
1. With her enemies no collecting nuclear weapons, this is a distinct choice. Many countries now have nuclear capability and weapons that it would love to use on America. North Korea is developing a long range weapon that can reach past 7200 kilometers, which would reach America's mainland. Currently, news is about Iran building a nuclear weapon, and their current president is adamant on Israel's destruction. If they have their crosshairs on what they call "little satan," what might they have in mind for the "big satan?"
What is the difference between what might happen to America and other's hatred for Israel? With the above Scripture, notice two words that should strike a chord - "this shall." Those who fight against Jerusalem, their flesh will consume away while still on their feet. In current weaponry , there is only ONE that can cause your flesh to melt instantly before anything hits the ground, that is a nuclear weapon. I won't get into detail, but with a million degrees from the blast, this "plague" is definite. The difference is God will defend Israel, the apple of His eye, for He will show those who oppose the Jews that He is above all. So I do not believe nuclear war will happen around Israel, but America has her enemies.
2. The other possibility is EMP, which stands for ElectroMagnetic Pulse. This is better called a dirty bomb, which is used as a nuclear weapon, but in a smaller degree and exploded in the atmosphere. Once it explodes, it sends out a "web," which when it reaches the earth, causes ALL electronics to shut down. Imagine the chaos this would bring. Cell phones, computers, serves, electricity, your car, radio communications, all useless. With every bank using electronic fund transfer and keeping track of your account, with this down, ALL will be erased. You won't be able to buy anything, even if you had cash, for businesses now do all transactions using computer software. Whatever savings you had - gone. If this happened during the winter, all heating would be firewood. Living in apartments would not be possible anymore. America would be thrust back to the 1800s, in an instant. This generation would be totally lost.
Will this happen from my view. Could be, it just depends on how fast the recovery is, which I do not know. Scripture tells us the the two witnesses (who I believe are Enoch and Elijah) will be slain and in the same hour, their bodies will be shown for the world to see (see Revelations 11). The world will celebrate for three and a half days, so how is this possible without satellite and internet use? Just my theory, not written in stone.
3. America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.
- Abraham Lincoln
Interesting that I don't believe that America can be destroyed by an outside military force. Why? It won't need to, considering that the destruction will be done by the government and those whom elected them into office. Now, for the first time in many decades, America was attacked by an enemy that could not be counterattacked, a human bomb. In 2001, the Twin Towers came down, and the Pentagon was kamikazed by jihadists, but this wasn't done from the outside, it began from the inside of America. A few days later, the collapse of the stock market. Almost to the day, the stock market fell again seven years later, which has me pondering are we ready for another, but this one we cannot recover from? (If any has read about the Isaiah 9:10 harbinger, there is too many coincidences to ignore.) There is one chance we could attacked from outside, and that would take away the Second Amendment and its rights to for America's citizens to bear arms. With the border of Mexico still not secured (probably never will be), we might be easy prey through this access.
4. Last year, no less than 26 states faced drought conditions. The background is getting ripe for the Dust Bowl of the 1930s to return, as the need for rain, and snow during this winter, is drastically needed to get crops and the ground back to where it will produce. Sadly, the government has put in place "protection" that will use taxpayer money if the farmers can't produce. Understand, I want the best, but some might want to fail on purpose, knowing they will still collect.
Now, the best way, no, how about the worst way, to hit America, is in her pocketbook. Lehman Brothers went bankrupt in 2001, taking around $7B with it. America's GDP and economy would be hit hard God took the weather and used it against America to destroy its wealthy foundation. It took a war to get America slowly back on her feet again from the Great Depression. With very little growth in her growing, America faced a long climb.
Someone predicted that the stock market would hit 5000 points. I did not think it was possible, since the lowest was around 7000, and it has made it back over 13,000. But if America is to be judged, imagine the fall of the stock market from where it is now - a 50% drop. Now imagine the value of the dollar. You can't afford what you took for granted. With America giving money to other countries, that money would be useless, instant depression that world may never be the same until the antichrist comes to save the day. By then, many will be raptured.
Revelations does not say HOW Babylon has fallen, I choose to be open minded but not figuring any which way. God is just and His way is not our way. If Israel was sent into captivity and only the poor was spared, we can't expect the Almighty to do anything different. God will protect his children but we must choose our first allegiance is to His kingdom, not America. She has broken her covenant, she has shed innocent blood and called it "women's rights." Soon, I believe the government will get the door open for legalizing same sex marriage over states rights. There will be a short window for God to hear the cries of His children to seek repentance for America, but will we have not enough to fill the cup of the saints?
Lastly, there will be violence that will thrown down the city of Babylon. Note the city, not nation. Babylon in the OT was the capital, or seat of the Chaldeans and Babylonians. In Revelations 17, it mentions about seven mountains were it sits. Today only two cities have that distinction, Rome and New York City. Rome houses the Vatican, which has much clout around the world. NYC houses Wall Street and the United Nations. What I think I will post in the next blog, using why I believe NYC is in dangerous ground. Just too much to continue here.
Stay tuned.
His grace,
Jeremiah 6:16
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