Truthfully, I never thought about writing a part four to this, but after doing so studying on Revelations and a little research on the internet I stumbled upon by accident, more concerns of mine surfaced, which added new insight to the future. Much of this is disturbing from what I found. Interestingly enough, the future is my biggest concern for my children, and yours, because they will not see the freedom of America as I did when I was a child.
There is so much information to share I will not get into details, for I do not have much to back it up, but with the evil in men's hearts, God knowing the future as well as the past, and the enemy doing what he can to orchestrate the New World Order so that he may be worshipped as lord, it has to happen but I had no idea it was this close to fruition. My spirit has been stirred ever since our current President was "re-elected."
While I still can, I am going to start from the White House and work my way around from there. In 2008, America elected Barack Obama in the ruse that Republicans created the recession of 2008 (which was truly started in the Carter years and further enhanced during Clinton's eight years). He kept his past in the dark, and the under the disguise from the cry "Bush did it," Obama was able to keep a low profile. Through his marvelous gift of speech (which Hitler had as well), he was able to sift through the other candidates and easily defeated John McCain, a moderate trying to run as a conservative.
Once, elected and inaugurated into office, he sent executive orders and spent millions of dollars of money made from his book to protect and "erase" much of his past, including his birth and his college records. Strangely, many of those who voted for him didn't care of his past, just that America needed to make sure a Republican would not sit in the White House.
His first strategy was to mask from the public his true intentions. No matter the lies spoken from him, people seemed not to care in the slightest. Obama criticized President Bush about the spending as a Senator of Illinois (which has its mountains of own problems that never get fixed), and he has done the opposite of what his mouth spoke years before, and there are reasons why he IS doing it, which I will get into later. In his eight years of office, George W. Bush ran an average deficit of around $500B for a total of about $4T in debt. Our current President in his first FOUR years averaged $1.5T in debt, incurring an extra $6T, which is three times that amount. He has allowed the Democrat controlled Senate to not seek a budget in four years, and that won't change for the next four...and there is a specific reason for this.
Let's move on to his faith. He has claimed Christian faith, but NOTHING in his walk, or his wife's, has proven this in any way. He re-signed the Mexican City papers, which uses taxpayer money to fund abortions around the world. In 2012, he became the first President to endorse same sex marriage, and decided not to back the Defense of Marriage Act. He has stiffed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on a few occasion right in the White House, but has never made any attempt to visit Israel. Obama has defended more of the Muslim nations than help any America allies around the world. Recently, he sent F-15 fighters to Egypt, which they gladly accepted, even though their government is run by the Muslim Brotherhood, which has sworn against the "Big Satan," America. Mr. Obama has even apologized for America's "arrogance" in certain Muslim dominated nations, never truly defending her and the good she has done through giving.
There is now no doubt in my mind that President Obama, with a select few that are unnamed, who are willing to take every chance to destroy America, even it means the global economy, and there is a distinct reason for it. Right now, the world does not know who the antichrist is, but I do believe, as many others do, that the antichrist is alive today. But I do believe many elitists and politicians around the world have one thing in common - to destroy the American economy and to complete destroy the value of the dollar.
Ever wonder why the Department of Homeland Security has purchased so many weapons in the last year? There also have been rumors of FEMA making mass graves in Phoenix and Houston areas (though I cannot confirm or deny such events), and even training for military and the National Guard of civilian unrest and the need to protect government interest over citizens. Why is this needed? Are they preparing for something to happen in America?
Understand, if the economy collapses, many totally dependent on the welfare payroll will be ticked off first. First, civilian uprising until the torch is lit where some people feel the need to take more "free stuff." By doing this, businesses will be lost, insurance companies will either go belly up or bankrupt, major cities will be good for nothing. At first thought, any upheaval may have been caused by the demand over the Second Amendment, which I will not rule out, but unlikely. Many law abiding citizens would be willing to protest peacefully, and this would not lead to the government's need to show force.
Has anyone ever heard of these three people:
David Wilkerson
A.A. Allen
Dimtru Duduman
The first two are possible, and A.A. Allen ran into problems in his later years. But David Wilkerson has a major vision sometime in 1971 and he was reluctant to share it, due to its extremity and making sure this was from the LORD. He wrote a book about, and there is a sermon some have shared on YouTube. It talks of New York City burning to the point where it would be "good for nothing."
Dimtru Dudman was a Romanian that was under great persecution and tortured by the government. Ultimately, they just gave up on him and he was able to come to America with his family. Not to long after, he had a vision of America burning in many cities, destruction everywhere. He spent the rest of his life preaching and telling Christians to prepare for the future and persecution.
Some have had visions about a Russian invasion after the collapse, due to America being at its most vulnerable point. Other possibilities have been a nuclear bomb from North Korea or Iran, but in any of these cases, there are people working to usher in the New World Order, and from their standpoint, America is the only one keeping these dreams from coming to fruition. Please note two things mankind is glamoured over - power and greed.
What is a good way to usher in a socialist type government today? Proclaim in under the name of progressive and liberalism, promote the governmental desire to do good but taxing Peter to give freely to Paul (welfare) to the point where the money dries up. With no growth in the business sector, government will control the monetary routes, forcing the economy to tank. When America goes, the world will have to follow. After a period of time where riots are the norm on the earth, the antichrist will come to the rescue, set the world right again via the NWO system.
In between, David Wilkerson saw major persecution of the churches and believers. Churches were confiscated by the government and eventually would be deserted, causing meetings to be in homes or more so, underground. Good chance food will be rationed, grocery stores will have empty shelves, because they are not equipped to handle more than three days for their normal use of customers. Gas will either be rationed or be far too expensive to purchase, even for the rich. America will not be the same, and I believe it will happen within the next five years. I have no proof, and I hope I am wrong.
To put this simply, many in the church will not be ready for this, especially when the government begins its persecution. Today, we tell those that Christ did it all at Calvary, but we don't live it. If we can't live it in the freedom we have now, there is no way we would have the faith and courage to show Jesus in the midst of a world that hates Jesus.
I have been uneasy in my spirit ever since President Obama was re-elected. I have my concerns he is a closet Muslim, and America is the big satan to him. He will have no regrets if America is destroyed, for America will be more vulnerable when her economy falls, and what better way then to put so much debt on her future she will have to repay it by giving up her dollar for a world currency. This won't happen overnight but the closer she gets the cliff, the quicker she can go over. Christians can cry for God to take them home, but the way home will have many obstacles and bumps. The godly shall be persecuted (2 Timothy 3:12), and if you think you Can get out if it, then you better examine yourself to see of you are in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5).
There are people who want the NWO, even in America. If the madness doesn't stop and turn around in repentance, you should expect it to happen. But, will you be ready?
Jeremiah 6:16
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