Sunday, January 27, 2013

what happened to America?

Now, I am not sure if I will be getting Scriptures in here.  Much of the last three posts where on America and her future demise.  First, I did make an error, as the League of Nations regularly met at Geneva, Switzerland, and the first meeting to endorse the United Nations met in San Francisco.  My mistake was I was doing it by memory and I did not utilize the time to research.  My bad.
I am not yet fifty years old.  But just in the last ten to fifteen years America has done such a transformation that I doubt any would recognize her a great, moral nation.  I do know David Barton wrote a book on how the judicial system began to change after World War 2 and how it started changing the moral fabric of the nation and slowly eroding the religious foundation of America.  Today, we have the ACLU and the Freedom From Religion on the continual attack for ANYTHING to resembles a religious symbol. 
On Facebook, someone posted a letter that was written as a letter to the editor, and he spoke on the morality of this nation.  If I could find it, I would find a way to get permission to do it here for you to read.  If I find it, I will post the link. 
We can't call homosexuality as the truth we see, it is a hate crime.  The roles are reversed, it is free speech.  If people lie under oath, it is felony.  If Congress lies, it's politics.  If white mentions anything against a black, even if it's truth, it is racist.  If it is done the other way, it's their First Amendment right.  If we find life on another planet, we praise it all glory.  But we can take our other's lives who can't protect themselves through abortion and call it women's rights.  Attacking Christianity is part of separation of church and state, but no other religion is under that scope. 
Government now feels the need to punish society to protect it.  Our Second Amendment rights are under attack, for now politics believe it can take away from law abiding citizens and assume criminals will follow suit.  Just blows my mind away that a California Rep. Diane Feinstein wants to rid most guns yet, she has a concealed carry permit. 
Government now wants to tell doctors they know better for their patients, and I bet none of them will be physicians.  Government will now have access to everyone's bank accounts, but does not have any accountability to have a budget and an open checkbook.  Somehow, it wants to tell me what is best for our children, when God left that authority to the father and mother.  To finish this, our current administration placed almost 6000 new regulations in 90 days from the last elections and many businesses were not told of them.  Now many are facing fines and jail time for the reckless abandonment of government to control its citizens.
We make rules that killing an eagle or its eggs are a $250K fine and time in jail, killing our own is protected by law.  We endorse idols through sports and music, we allow pornography as free speech, but under one word of Jesus Christ and we will soon be labeled as crazy and a lunatic.  Popularity is now bred through immorality and sexualism than how to carry a lady in society past. 
Even inside the church we now chase what we shouldn't have.  We believe we can either move the line to better ourselves without holiness or cross the line into sin and call out for forgiveness, since it is easier to live in continual forgiveness than repentance.  America is sick, and it keeps kicking out the Physician.
It cries out for God, wondering why He allows such evil to take place, but America refuses to acknowledge that we have kicked God out of the country.  Amazing that we take praise for anything that goes well with us, but when things go wrong, somehow it is God's fault.  We have no direction at all.
America has plenty of idols.  America has plenty of sin.  America has led the world into following her lead into destruction.  America needs to be judged, and I hope He warns His people in time.  I will have a hard time believing God will let this go untouched. 
How many more abortions before the one child is reached and God has to act?  How much longer do we have?

Jeremiah 6:16 

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