Thursday, January 3, 2013

Sift You As Wheat

Luke 22:31-34
    And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: [32] But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren. [33] And he said unto him, Lord, I am ready to go with thee, both into prison, and to death. [34] And he said, I tell thee, Peter, the cock shall not crow this day, before that thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowest me.

Since the beginning of the near year, I have the desire to be prepared for the persecution that is to come to America.  Deep down, I do pray that America would repent and forsake its wicked ways but we must be ready if it doesn't do so.  Sadly, I hear much on social networks were people are trying to bring encouragement to a darkened world.  The only reason I can be against such words is it never brings preparation that the Bible says we are to be facing in the last days.

This Scripture has fascinated me in ways that baffle many others in the faith.  It seems that many people believe that when Satan comes forth to attack us, we are to fight against or rebuke him.  In some cases, it may hold true but when it comes in this area, Jesus did no such thing.  In fact, He was ALLOWING it through Peter.  Notice NOWHERE did Jesus rebuke satan for this action, or did He come against the enemy when tortured and humiliated in front of Pontius Pilate, but He did stand His ground by saying nothing.

I believe the persecution of the church of America is coming, and sooner than the church realizes.  We have a government that wants no part of Christianity and atheists groups who spend more time playing the "poor guy" role in every facet, from the Ten Commandments to recitals and lately, a Charlie Brown Christmas.  While these people are raising their voices demanding the eradication of the Christian faith (not even noting the dangers of the Islam belief), the church has turned its back while it seeks its own selfish desires without springing forth the gospel to a world fast on a path to hell.

When we are to face the enemy, there will be times where Jesus will require us to keep the faith face to face.  If we begin to fear man, we begin to relinquish the right to showcase our Father.  When the church is raptured, with the exception of the 144k from the tribes of Israel, there will be no help after the mark has been established on the foreheads or hands. 

The determination will see how strong our faith is in the time of sifting.  Sifting in itself is good, though it requires a lot of shaking.  It separates the sheaf and the fruit wheat brings and eventually destroys the pride in us through the humility of its action, thus, the reason why Jesus prayed for Simon Peter to get THROUGH IT, and not avoid it via the enemy's hands.

2013 is my time to prepare my children, my wife and myself mostly.  If you have been baptized by fire, you can understand the fire's two functions in a Christian's life - to burn what is not of worth and to purify what is valuable.  When the fire comes from the enemy, our faith can withstand the attack is it did with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego.  Many of us hope it doesn't come down to a barrel of a gun at our head to test our faith, but the reality is coming closer and closer.  We are watching our freedom being taken away to the point where church will be the only sanctuary, and don't believe for one second the enemy will leave that alone. 

How will you stand in the face of sifting?  Will you be prideful until humiliation?  Or will your faith to grow among adversity and persecution?  Jesus warned that even the elect will be deceived, and this word is passing true each day.  As Smith Wiggleworth said (paraphrasing):
"It is easy say you have faith, until you are put in a corner to prove it."
In these latter days, faith will be tested by the fire you go through, and I was ready to walk away many times through these ordeals.  God never let me go, even when I failed Him thousand times over.  Every trial may be different for different walks but the goal is to pass from measure of faith to faith, glory to glory.  "For the godly shall be persecuted" (2 Timothy 3:12).  Only two things will occur, if you haven't been persecuted for your faith, it will either be that you are not a threat to the enemy, or it will happen. 
I hope those who read this will be prepared.  I hope I will.  America as we knew it won't exist much longer.   That's what happens when God is removed and He takes His protection with it.  Perfect opportunities for the enemy to take His place, and we are willing people.  His mercy may last forever, but will it be there when America finalizes His total exodus and usher in the Great Tribulation? 
Will the church be ready?  Will it rebuke the enemy when God is using him for His purpose?  Will your faith stand?

For Him,

Jeremiah 6:16


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