Saturday, December 21, 2013

Another good can of worms...

Word has spread quickly on Duck Dynasty and the removal of leader Phil Robertson from the A&E program.  As of now, there is no word on what will happen from here but the lines are drawing more distinct concerning the world vs. Christianity.  A&E would rather choose the 2% populous of those in the LGBT community and their coffers than the Christians who support the beliefs.  My quick take on this is I am hoping A&E will remove DD from their lineup and contract, allowing them to go somewhere and their fanbase to better places.  Then let A&E see how far the LGBT community and money will carry them.
The BIGGER dilemma is the aftermath of what is REALLY going on in America.  If those who choose morality speak up, it is quickly quashed bu the media and any liberal minded goon who runs it.  It is fine to mock Jesus, promote songs that bash Christianity, sing of sexual activities and drugs, but those who care are thoroughly silenced.  Free speech is no longer a promise concerning Christians who truly love the LORD, while those demanding tolerance are the ones who promote intolerance to those who believe are the most intolerant. 

How many believe it is fine to just allow the world to slowly take advantage of us?  The enemy knows that a full frontal assault will not work, but the Balaam process is much more effective approach, just do it little by little until the back is against the wall.  By then, there is no leverage left, and the only thing left for you to fight for is your life. 

Yes, in America it will happen.  We just don't look behind us and notice the little ground we have left, and we don't care right now. 

I believe Phil Robertson knew the cost when he spoke those words, and we are seeing it right now.  The liberal minority is demanding their way, and they are getting it.  All it takes is one or two to voice their opinion, and their cry is affecting the justice more than the morality we should be showing in the church.  Our costs seem to be more related to our jobs and materialism than Christ, and eventually our belongings will go, too.  Then what do we have?

Hitler put into motion of getting people to believe he was the Messiah, not literally, but for what the people were clamoring for, they would take anything, and they freely gave it up.  Hitler gladly took it, then found a good blame to pass the buck on for the reason Germany was in such a bad state - the Jews, God' people.  The reason why I bring it up is this is currently happening here in America, though not as subtle. 

We need to fight back before it is too late.  The cost today is a lot easier to lose than your life.  How long will YOU wait...or do you love Jesus less than you thought...

Jeremiah 6:16a

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