Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Modern American Political Party

I am sick of power, or mainly, the abuse thereof.  Congress and the Executive Branch is so full of power that all they want to do is flaunts it and will do EVERYTHING it can to remain in power.  It truly does not care for the American people.
We have a President that does not like America, does not like the Constitution, and finds ways to circumvent the checks and balances in place to prevent abuse to occur.  His administration has hired many Islams, his promotion to protect this religion while claiming Christian, and later fighting against its foundation, is only a portion of what he is doing, and what he wants to eventually do.  He is still hoping that the rest of America will fall into place concerning his rule in the Affordable Care Act.  I believe he was hoping many Americans would remain ignorant for its devastation, and the poor that continually vote Democrat truly do not care, as long as they get their entitlements.  Little do they know they are the frog on the slowly heating water.  By the time they find out, it is too late to get out of the pot.

Religious freedom has been under attack for decades, but in the last few years, it has escalated.  Freedom From Religion in Madison WI, has been amping up its efforts to remove Christianity from US grounds.  It has not attacked ANY other religion base, especially since Obama's administration is filling up with Islamists.  You can promote Muslim religion is public schools but cannot even mention even the word prayer.  Where is the media when a Muslim school gets federal money and does their five times a day prayer, even during school hours? 
Ironic how zero tolerance is built up without the use of common sense.  In schools, you have a gun free zone, but you cannot have anyone near or protecting these schools.  Recently, a six year old boy kissed a girl on the cheek, and the school wanted to file sexual harassment against him.  Where is the reasoning?  Does a six year boy know sexual, or harassment?  The girl even said she didn't mind, but I guess that still constitutes she was harassed.
We have a government that cannot control spending, and they want more.
We have a government that runs Amtrak, it has not made a profit yet.
We have a government that runs loses billions each year.
We have a government that said it finally paid off GM.  It "bought it" with taxpayer money around $100 a share.  It sold it back around $30 a share (maybe). 
Nice profit.
I will never trust any part of government again.  I am not saying there isn't anyone IN government, I do know someone who once served in some governmental capacity, and he is a very nice man.  As far as the federal government, it is all about power.
The glorious indignation of Obamacare becoming law has some Democrats still glowing, and since they have been in power for their jurisdiction for many years, there is very little that can be done to remove them.  The same lies that have brought them to power will keep them in power, because of simple name recognition is enough to keep the votes coming.  Even the stupidity that has evaded their lips amazes me that they still have a position in Congress.
America has become such a selfish generation, and we have a government that keeps growing by the minute.  It continues to usurp its authority, find more authority, and pass laws that will either circumvent its own laws or create ways to prevent the same citizens that oppose them their rights against them.  NSA spying on all Americans, using their "right" as protection.  Their protection, not ours. 
There is a building that is nearing completion in southern Utah that will house enough computer memory capacity that can save every call, every text, every site and keystroke of every American for the next two years.  All for the sake of terrorist freedom, y'all.  And we have politicians that giving to terror organizations our taxpayer money, but say they are protecting our freedoms here.  The President just hired a man whose desire is to give up our international waters to the U.N.  Think about it, this will give any fisherman rights, oil company drilling platforms, and its productivity, to the U.N.
If this isn't a great way to kill the economy, what will?
Oh yeah, there is some common ways to do that as well.  One is to promote regulations galore for the benefit of "business and competition."  Is any normal citizen aware that when the President was reelected until his second inauguration, he proceeded to file almost 6,000 new regulations that are business killers?  Where did he get this unprecedented power?  He has elected several people during times he could not, the courts have ruled against him, yet, these people have not been removed and they are still collecting paychecks.  Congress has no balls to stand up and KEEP him into place, and he will continue to take MORE power.  He will not stop UNTIL he destroys the Great Satan, in which the Muslims call us. 
I can also add Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS-gate, and the ultimate destruction of Obamacare and no one stands up.  Congress acts like it is doing something but doesn't care that their claws were removed by the liberals who now entertain some of the seats.  They have allowed the gay rights committee and their money coffers to dilute any morality.  They have infiltrated the schools and demanded their views and rights be shoved down the throats of children, and teach them that anyone who are conservatives are the ones who wish to destroy the American foundation.  The Constitution is an old relic that has no place in today's modern America, and they want it removed as quickly as possible.  And will all this destruction happening from within, I believe with what Obama is doing is sufficient to keep the extreme Wahabbists from attacking in America.  They don't need to, as politicians, liberalism, and the socialism has slowly taken out the bricks from the walls of America.
I have no doubt that the end times is closer that people realize.  Once the American economy collapses, and it isn't improving.  When over 90% of the jobs created are part time, and the labor department uses it against the employment data.  Companies are now letting many people go or cutting hours to get around the health care law, which does bring something else (or two).
Does anyone remember that Muslims are exempt from the law?  Or that you would pay for services that you won't need.  A single man will need to pay for pregnancy needs, or even a woman who is well passed the ability to have a baby.  Nothing like a woman going in for a mandatory prostrate exam.
Lastly, doctors in California are dropping out of Cover California coverage, because many of them know the governments issues with payment they feel isn't necessary.  If the issues that go on in Canada, with the wait time for surgeries and even specialists is bad, we have seen nothing yet.
Barack Obama knows what he is doing, and he is finding ways to take freedoms, and anyone who atands by his side, wants to remain in power, regardless of where America is going to be, and that is America is the main thing that is keeping the New World Order from entering in. 
Are you prepared for the last days?

They are coming...

Jeremiah 6:16a

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