Thursday, February 28, 2013

Let the Persecution Begin

Now, the title may seem to be a little unorthodox, but it does relay the doors are being swung wide open toward the days of the antichrist and the Great Tribulation  Recently, the Canadian Supreme Court voted that anything that opposes homosexuality, including written form (the Bible), is a sign of hate crime.  By this announcement, any Christian who stands firm in their belief that homosexuality is wrong and an abomination can not be  prosecuted in the fullest in my northern neighbor. 
The last days are fast approaching, and the American churches are so asleep that so many are either ignoring this or don't care, believing that God will protect them through our Constitution.  Men without God are inheritly evil, and the worst is yet to come. 
I am getting frightened of the future fast coming unto the times where God will be nowhere on this earth, with the exception of the 144,000 and the two witnesses.  Right now, we have a government here in America that would offer hatred right in from of God if given the opportunity.  Sad that many Americans proclaim they believe in God but refuse to acknowledge His ways.  Many others are openly challenging Him, mocking God for all their rebellion to see. 
With the troubles I have had recently, I truthfully wonder where God is, and wonder if He has been removing Himself so far from America that He can barely the seen in the horizon.  When will be the day be when His last voice will be heard in America?  We will notice...will we care? 


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I, as moderator of this blog, hold the right to disregard and remove all comments that are hatred by nature. I uphold the rights of opinion and know there will be disagreements. This does not allow spewing of hate for another view for satisfaction. I am open to debate, but it should be kept civil, tranquil (if possible), and Biblical.