Wednesday, October 17, 2012

God and the debate

While I was on Twitter last night, the tweets became intense as well as the amount of them was causing my older computer to stop script loading, mostly at the end of the night.  What some people caught but no liberal will care, is the mention of God in the closing statements by Romney but none whatsoever by Obama.  I can easily draw two conclusions from our President concerning this:
1.  He is more concerned of drawing those of non-faith.
2.  He is not a Christian, as he claims.
I can also add #3
Both 1 and 2.
As a Christian, one of the greatest acts you can do to a world that needs Jesus but refuses to acknowledge Him is lift Him for the world to see.  With the outside being the biggest critic, our walk is very noticeable to them. 
Our current President admitted to being a Christian faith, but much of what he has done is proven otherwise. 
1.  Visits mosques, allows Islam based faiths into White House.
2.  His Christian church visits, fewer than five in his entire presidency.
3.  No longer acknowledges National Day of Prayer, but easily accepts those for Ramadam.
4.  No demands Marriage Defense Act to be repealed, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" repealed, serving the gay agenda in the workforce.
5.  Signed the Mexico City Accord, giving taxpayer money to foreign countries, to aid with adoption.
6.  Welcomes many who stand for the PRIDE or LBGT companies in to the White House, while ignoring Christian charities and others in the faith. 
This, to me, is all the proof I need to see - our President has shown more allegiance to Islam than  Christianity. 
Considering those who voted for a man they knew little about before the election in 2008, he made sure this information would remain out of public view but showing plenty of money to lawyers (more to keep in occupied in the court system) and executive orders, preventing the "enemies" from using any information against them.  Too many questions that cannot be answered, which is ironic, concerning the technological age today.  Yet, many Christians cannot vote solely on morality.  Why?

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